PR Recycling Limited, Severn Road, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 0YL

Asking Price £7,000,000 - For Sale

  • Approx. 4 Acres
  • Enclosed/Secure Site with Hardstanding
  • Modern Industrial Unit
  • Modern Offices
  • Avonmouth
  • New Lease Available

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A large, secure site of approximately 4 acres, laid to hard standing, with a modern detached industrial unit of approximately 15,065 ft² (1,400m²) which includes modern first floor offices with air conditioning. The site also benefits from CCTV with motion detection, solar panels, canteen, staff toilets and shower facilities .The site is enclosed by security fencing with electric gate access and would suit a variety of industrial uses, subject to obtaining the necessary consents. The site is available as as whole, although some of the yard can be retained by the landlord if it is not required.

Located in Avonmouth providing easy access to the motorway networks and available to let on a new lease.


A large, secure site of approximately 4 acres, laid to hard standing, with a modern detached industrial unit of approximately 15,065 ft² (1,400m²) which includes modern first floor offices with air conditioning. The site also benefits from CCTV with motion detection, solar panels, canteen, staff toilets and shower facilities .

The site is enclosed by security fencing with electric gate access and would suit a variety of industrial uses, subject to obtaining the necessary consents. The site is available as as whole, although some of the yard can be retained by the landlord if it is not required.


The site is located in Avonmouth, providing easy access to the M5 and M49, within close proximity to Amazon.


The rateable value with effect from April 2023 is £280,000.


Please refer to the floor plan for approximate measurements. The floor plan and aerial plan is provided for indicative purposes only and should not be relied upon.


The site is currently used for car recycling but would suit a variety of industrial purposes (subject to consents).


Rating: B - valid to January 2028.


All figures quoted are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated.


Planning consent was granted in 2015 (Application No. 15/05705/F) for the construction of new vehicle recycling center for dismantling cars, parts storage building, lorry and staff parking.


Offered for sale on the residue of a long leasehold interest (999 years).

The site is also available to let at £400,000pa.


Some of the containers located on the perimeter are to remain. The sale price will also include the car shredder located to the rear of the site.


By appointment.