255, Paintworks, Arnos Vale, Bristol, BS4 3AQ

Asking Price £195,000 - For Sale

  • Approx. 570 ft² / 53m²
  • Well Presented
  • LED Lighting
  • Retail Frontage
  • Allocated Parking Space

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A modern ground floor unit of approximately 570 ft² benefiting from a retail frontage, LED lighting, partitioned treatment room and disabled toilet facilities. The unit further benefits from an allocated parking space. Free visitors parking, and pay and display parking, is also available close by.

The unit is available for sale on a long leasehold basis, with vacant possession, at £195,000, and is also available to let on a new effectively fully repairing and insuring basis, at £16,500pa.


A modern ground floor unit of approximately 570 ft² benefiting from a retail frontage, LED lighting, partitioned treatment room and disabled toilet facilities. The unit further benefits from an allocated parking space.
Free visitors parking, and pay and display parking, is also available close by.

The unit is available for sale on a long leasehold basis, with vacant possession, at £195,000, and is also available to let on a new effectively fully repairing and insuring basis, at £16,500pa.


The unit is situated within Paintworks, a contemporary development of a former Victorian factory converted to creative spaces and live/work units, located just off the A4 (Bath Road), Arnos Vale within close proximity to Bristol City Centre. Nearby occupiers include the popular 'Boca Bar' and an American style diner.


The Rateable Value with effect from April 2023 is £11,750. We would therefore expect those eligible for small business relief to benefit from 100% exemption at this time. However, we advise all interested parties to confirm directly with the local authority.


Rating: A - valid to June 2028.


The floor plan is provided for indicative purposes only and should not be relied upon.


Available for sale on the residue of a long leasehold basis and with vacant possession, at £195,000.
The unit is also available to let at £16,500pa on a new effectively fully repairing and insuring basis.
Each party to incur their own respective legal fees.


All figures quoted are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated.
The unit is opted for VAT and therefore VAT will be applied to the rent/purchase price.


We advise all interested parties to refer to the RICS Code for Leasing Business Premises, link available via our website.

Floorplan for Paintworks, Arnos Vale, Bristol